泛函分析笔记 2


贡献者: addis

1. 2.1 Hilbert Spaces

2. 2.2 Standard Examples

3. 2.3 Bilinear Forms

4. 2.4 The Main Theorem on Quadratic Variational Problems

5. 2.5 The Functional Analytic Justification of the Dirichlet Principle

6. 2.8 Generalized Functions and Linear Functionals

7. 2.9 Orthogonal Projection

8. 2.10 Linear Functionals and the Riesz Theorem

9. 2.11 The Duality Map

10. 2.13 The Linear Orthogonality Princple

11. 2.14 Nonlinear Monotone Operators

12. Problems

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