泛函分析笔记 1


贡献者: addis; Relo Stern

1. Banach 空间


2. 1.1 Linear Spaces and Dimension

3. 1.2 Normed Spaces and Convergence

4. 1.3 Banach Spaces and the Cauchy Convergence Criterion

5. 1.4 Open and Closed Sets

6. 1.5 Operators

7. 1.9 Continuity

8. 1.10 Convexity

9. 1.11 Compactness

10. 1.13 The Minkowski Functional and Homeomorphisms

11. 1.14 The Brouwer Fixed-Point Theorem

12. 1.15 The Schauder Fixed-Point Theorem

13. 1.20 Linear Operators

14. 1.21 The Dual Space

15. 1.23 Banach Algebras and Operator Functions

16. 1.25 Application to the Spectrum

17. 1.26 Density and Approximation

18. Problems

1. ^ 在完备空间中,收敛序列与柯西序列等同。
2. ^ 此时称 $u_j$ 为有界变差序列

[1] ^ Eberhard Zeidler. Applied Functional Analysis - Applications to Mathematical Physics


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