贡献者: addis
LLVM IR (Intermediate Representation) 是 LLVM 的一个 portable 的中间语言。使用 LLVM 的编译器会先把高级语言编译成 IR,然后再做进一步优化。LLVM IR 的语法和汇编语言类似。
; Declare the main function
define i32 @main() {
; Allocate stack space for a single 32-bit integer in the stack memory
; `var` is a pointer
%var = alloca i32
; Store the value 42 into the variable on memory stack
store i32 42, i32* %var
; Load the value of the variable into a [virtual] register
%val = load i32, i32* %var
; Return the value of the register
ret i32 %val
llvm-as test.ll -o test.bc # 编译成 bitcode
clang test.bc -o test # 编译成可执行文件
./test # 执行
echo $? # 查看返回值(exit status)
define i32 @add(i32 %a, i32 %b) {
%sum = add i32 %a, %b
ret i32 %sum
define i32 @main() {
; set a=10, b=20 in registers
%a = add i32 0, 10
%b = add i32 0, 20
%sum = call i32 @add(i32 %a, i32 %b)
ret i32 %sum
其中对 a, b
%a = or i32 10, 0
%b = or i32 20, 0
第三种方法是从内存 stack 中加载到 register
define i32 @main() {
%a = alloca i32
%b = alloca i32
store i32 10, i32* %a
store i32 20, i32* %b
%a_val = load i32, i32* %a
%b_val = load i32, i32* %b
%sum = call i32 @add(i32 %a_val, i32 %b_val)
ret i32 %sum
br i1 条件, label %真标签, label %假标签
是一个 1bit 整数,也就是 bool。如果条件为真,就跳到标签 真标签
,否则跳到 假标签
%cond = icmp eq i32 %x, %y
, 然后 br i1 %cond, label %equals, label %notequals
icmp slt i32 %x, %y
(signed less than),或者 sgt
(signed greater than)
ult, ugt
(unsigned less/greater than)
%and_result = and i1 %a, %b
%result = or i1 %cond1, %cond2
define void @countUpTo(i32 %limit) {
; Initialize loop variable
%i = alloca i32
store i32 0, i32* %i
; Jump to the loop condition check
br label %loop.cond
; Load loop variable
%i.val = load i32, i32* %i
; Check if the loop variable is less than the limit
%cond = icmp slt i32 %i.val, %limit
br i1 %cond, label %loop.body, label %loop.end
; Increment the loop variable
%next.val = add i32 %i.val, 1
store i32 %next.val, i32* %i
; Jump back to the loop condition
br label %loop.cond
; Exit point of the loop
ret void
生成数组 [1,2,3,4]
define void @assignArray() {
; Allocate an array of 4 integers on the stack
%array = alloca [4 x i32]
; Loop counter
%i = alloca i32
store i32 0, i32* %i
; Jump to the loop condition
br label %loop.cond
; Load the loop counter
%i.val = load i32, i32* %i
; Check if the loop counter is less than 4
%cond = icmp slt i32 %i.val, 4
br i1 %cond, label %loop.body, label %loop.end
; Calculate the address of the current array element
%addr = getelementptr [4 x i32], [4 x i32]* %array, i32 0, i32 %i.val
; Assign the corresponding value (i+1) to the array element
%val = add i32 %i.val, 1
store i32 %val, i32* %addr
; Increment the loop counter
%next.i = add i32 %i.val, 1
store i32 %next.i, i32* %i
; Jump back to the loop condition
br label %loop.cond
; Exit point of the loop
ret void
要在 heap 中分配内存,取决于所在系统,一般调用 C 语言的 malloc
declare i8* @malloc(i32) ; 声明 malloc
define i32* @createArray() {
; Calculate the size of the array (4 integers)
%size = mul i32 4, 4 ; size for 4 integers (assuming i32 is 4 bytes)
; Call malloc to allocate memory on the heap
%arrayPtr = call i8* @malloc(i32 %size)
; Cast the returned i8* (generic pointer) to i32* (pointer to integers)
%typedArrayPtr = bitcast i8* %arrayPtr to i32*
; Return the pointer to the allocated memory
ret i32* %typedArrayPtr
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