贡献者: addis
1这里给出一些可以读取和操作单个比特的工具函数,它们定义在 SLISC 库的 Bit.h
和 Uchar
Char(-128) == Char(128) = 0b10000000
和 <<
Bool little_endian()
检测系统是否为 little endian
void change_endian(Char *data, Long_I elm_size, Long_I Nelm)
切换 endian
Uchar bit2uchar(Char_I c)
把 Char 变为 Uchar,每个 bit 不变
Char bit2char(Uchar_I uc)
Bool bitR(Char_I byte, Int_I i)
extract a bit at the i-th place from the right
Bool bitR(const Char *byte, Int_I i)
Bool bitL(Char_I byte, Int_I i)
Bool bitL(const Char *byte, Int_I i)
void set_bitR(Char_IO byte, Int_I i)
set i-th bit from the right
void set_bitR(Char *byte, Int_I i)
void set_bitL(Char_IO byte, Int_I i)
void set_bitL(Char *byte, Int_I i)
void unset_bitR(Char_IO byte, Int_I i)
unset i-th bit from the right
void unset_bitR(Char *byte, Int_I i)
void unset_bitR(Char *byte, Int_I i)
void unset_bitL(Char_IO byte, Int_I i)
void unset_bitL(Char *byte, Int_I i)
void toggle_bitR(Char_IO byte, Int_I i)
change the i-th bit from the right
void toggle_bitR(Char *byte, Int_I i)
void toggle_bitL(Char_IO byte, Int_I i)
void toggle_bitL(Char *byte, Int_I i)
Str to_bitstr(Char_I byte)
把一个子节转换为 8 个 '0' 和 '1' 的字符串
Str to_bitstr(const void *byte, Int_I Nbyte = 1, Bool add_space = true, Bool auto_endian = false)
把一段内存转换为 '0' 和 '1' 的字符串
Char str2bit(Str_I str)
把八字节字符串转换为 bit,'0' 代表 'false', 其他字符为 'true'; also consider to use binary literal e.g. Char(10100101b)
Int baseN2Int(const Uchar *p, Int_I N, Int_I base)
convert any base (up to 256) to integer (little endian)
void Int2baseN(Uchar *p, Int_I N, Int_I base, Int_I n)
convert integer to any base (little endian)
Char b85(Long_I i)
convert 4 bytes to one of the 85 character sets that can be typed by keyboard and easy to distinguish
Long b85_ind(Char_I c)
search index of b85, return -1 if not found
Int b852Int(const Char *p)
convert 5-digit base58 to 4-byte integer (little endian)
void Int2b85(Char *p, Int_I n)
convert 4-byte integer to 5-digit base58 (little endian)
[1] ^ W. H. Press, et al. Numerical Recipes 3rd edition.
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