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1 自动化的目标编辑


  • 自动数据准备和输入(来自原始数据和其他格式)
    • 自动列类型检测;例如布尔、离散数字、连续数字或文本
    • 自动列意图检测;例如目标/标签、分层字段、数字特征、分类文本特征或自由文本特征
    • 自n 动任务检测;例如二元分类、回归、聚类或排序
  • 自动化特征工程
    • 特征选择
    • 特征抽取
    • 元学习和迁移学习
    • 偏斜数据和/或缺失值的检测和处理
  • 自动化模型选择
  • 学习算法的超参数优化及特征化
  • 在时间、内存和复杂度限制下的自动化流水线选择
  • 评估指标/验证程序的自动选择
  • 自动问题检查
    • 泄漏检测
    • 配置错误检测
  • 自动分析获得的结果
  • 自动化机器学习的用户界面和可视化

2 例子编辑


2.1 超参数优化和模型选择

  • Auto-WEKA[3] l 是WEKA之上的贝叶斯超参数优化层。
  • auto-sklearn[4] 是scikit-learn之上的贝叶斯超参数优化层。
  • ATM[5] 是麻省理工学院人类数据交互项目下的开源软件库。这是一个分布式的、可扩展的自动化机器学习系统,设计时考虑到了易用性。

2.2 全流水线优化

  • TPOT[6][7] 是一个Python库,它使用遗传编程自动创建和优化完整的机器学习流水线。
  • H2O无人驾驶人工智能[8]是H2O.ai开发的自动化机器学习平台,用于自动化可视化、特征工程、模型训练、超参数优化和可解释性。
  • TransmogrifAI[8][9] l 是Salesforce为自动数据清理、特征工程、模型选择和超参数优化创建的Scala/SparkML库
  • RECIPE [10] 是一个在基于语法的遗传程序上设计的框架,它构建了定制的scikit-learn分类流水线。
  • GA-Auto-MLC和Auto-MEKA是在MEKA软件上执行自动多标签分类的免费方法。

2.3 深度神经网络建筑搜索

  • Auto Keras[11] 是一个用于神经网络架构搜索的开源python包。


  • [1]

    ^Thornton C, Hutter F, Hoos HH, Leyton-Brown K (2013). Auto-WEKA: Combined Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization of Classification Algorithms. KDD '13 Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. pp. 847–855..

  • [2]

    ^Hutter F, Caruana R, Bardenet R, Bilenko M, Guyon I, Kegl B, and Larochelle H. "AutoML 2014 @ ICML". AutoML 2014 Workshop @ ICML. Retrieved 2018-03-28..

  • [3]

    ^Kotthoff L, Thornton C, Hoos HH, Hutter F, Leyton-Brown K (2017). "Auto-WEKA 2.0: Automatic model selection and hyperparameter optimization in WEKA". Journal of Machine Learning Research. 18 (25): 1–5..

  • [4]

    ^Feurer M, Klein A, Eggensperger K, Springenberg J, Blum M, Hutter F (2015). "Efficient and Robust Automated Machine Learning". Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 28 (NIPS 2015): 2962–2970..

  • [5]

    ^Swearingen, Thomas; Drevo, Will; Cyphers, Bennett; Cuesta-Infante, Alfredo; Ross, Arun; Veeramachaneni, Kalyan (December 2017). "ATM: A distributed, collaborative, scalable system for automated machine learning". 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). IEEE. doi:10.1109/bigdata.2017.8257923. ISBN 9781538627150..

  • [6]

    ^Olson RS, Urbanowicz RJ, Andrews PC, Lavender NA, Kidd L, Moore JH (2016). Automating biomedical data science through tree-based pipeline optimization. Proceedings of EvoStar 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 9597. pp. 123–137. arXiv:1601.07925. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31204-0_9. ISBN 978-3-319-31203-3..

  • [7]

    ^Olson RS, Bartley N, Urbanowicz RJ, Moore JH (2016). Evaluation of a Tree-based Pipeline Optimization Tool for Automating Data Science. Proceedings of EvoBIO 2016. Gecco '16. pp. 485–492. arXiv:1603.06212. doi:10.1145/2908812.2908918. ISBN 9781450342063..

  • [8]

    ^Shubha Nabar (2018-08-16). "Open Sourcing TransmogrifAI – Automated Machine Learning for Structured Data - Salesforce Engineering". Salesforce Engineering (in English). Retrieved 2018-08-16.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link).

  • [9]

    ^Kyle Wiggers (2018-08-16). "Salesforce open-sources TransmogrifAI, the machine learning library that powers Einstein". VentureBeat. Retrieved 2018-08-16. Once TransmogrifAI has extracted features from the dataset, it’s primed to begin automated model training. At this stage, it runs a cadre of machine learning algorithms in parallel on the data, automatically selects the best-performing model, and samples and recalibrates predictions to avoid imbalanced data..

  • [10]

    ^de Sá, Alex G. C.; Pinto, Walter José G. S.; Oliveira, Luiz Otavio V. B.; Pappa, Gisele L. (2017), "RECIPE: A Grammar-Based Framework for Automatically Evolving Classification Pipelines", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (in 英语), Springer International Publishing, pp. 246–261, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55696-3_16, ISBN 9783319556956.

  • [11]

    ^Haifeng J, Qingquan S, Xia H (2018). "Auto-Keras: Efficient Neural Architecture Search with Network Morphism". arXiv:1806.10282 [cs.LG]..

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