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六偏磷酸钠(SHMP)是磷酸钠的六聚体 (NaPO3)6[1] 商业上的六偏磷酸钠通常是聚合偏磷酸盐的混合物,六聚体是其中一种,通常是这个名称所指的化合物。它更正确的说法是聚偏磷酸钠。

1 用途编辑


六偏磷酸钠的一个重要用途是作为粘土基陶瓷制品生产中的悬浮剂。[2][3][4][5] 它还被用作分解粘土和其他土壤类型的分散剂,以便进行土壤质地评价。[6]


1.1 食品添加剂


2 制备编辑


2 NaH2PO4→ Na2H2P2O7 + H2O


3 Na2H2P2O7 → (NaPO3)6 + 3 H2O


3 反应编辑


4 历史编辑

1849年德国化学家Theodor Fleitmann (1828-1904)命名了六偏磷酸(但被错误鉴定)。[12][13] 到1956年,格兰汉姆盐(多磷酸钠)水解产物的色谱分析表明存在含有四个以上磷酸基团的环状阴离子;[14] 这些发现在1961年得到证实。[15] 1963年,德国化学家埃里希·希洛(Erich Thilo)和乌尔里希·施吕克(Ulrich Schülke)通过加热无水三偏磷酸钠成功制备了六偏磷酸钠。[16]


  • [1]

    ^Van Wazer, John R. Phosphorus and its compounds. New York : Interscience Publishers (1958).

  • [2]

    ^The Role Of Sodium Hexametaphosphate In The Dissolution Process Of Kaolinite And KaolinF. Andreola; E.Castellini; T.Manfredini; M.Romagnoli. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 24, Number 7, June 2004..

  • [3]

    ^Impact Of Dispersants On The Mechanical Strength Development Of Alumina-Spinel Self-Flowing Refractory Castables. Sasan Otroj, Mohammad Reza Nilforushan, Arash Daghighi, Reza Marzban. Ceramics – Silikáty 54 (3) 284–289 (2010).

  • [4]

    ^Effect Of Adding Sodium Hexametaphosphate Liquefier On Basic Properties Of Calcium Phosphate Cements. S. Hesaraki; A. Zamanian; F. Moztarzadeh. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. Vol. 88A, No. 2, 2009.

  • [5]

    ^Study Of Clay’s Mineralogy Effect On Rheological Behavior Of Ceramic Suspensions Using An Experimental Design. Afef Jmal Ayadi; Julien Soro; Amel Kamoun; Samir Baklouti. International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies 14 (2). February 2013..

  • [6]

    ^ASTM D422 – 63(2007) Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils..

  • [7]

    ^Crest Pro-Health Frequently Asked Questions.

  • [8]

    ^"Ingredient Results - Sodium Hexametaphosphate"..

  • [9]

    ^"Food Additives & Ingredients - Food Additive Status List"..

  • [10]

    ^"CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21"..

  • [11]

    ^Van Wazer, John (1958). Phosphorus and its Compounds. New York: Interscience Publishers. Retrieved 7 April 2015..

  • [12]

    ^Fleitmann, Th. (1849). "Ueber die verschiedenen Metaphosphorsäuren und zwei neue Säuren derselben Verbindungsproportion" [On various metaphosphoric acids and two new acids of the same compound proportion]. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 2nd series (in German). 78: 233–260, 338–366.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link) On p. 249, Fleitmann coined the name Hexametaphosphorsäure (hexametaphosphoric acid)..

  • [13]

    ^Griffith, E.J.; Buxton, R.L. (1965). "The preparation and properties of the twelve-membered ring hexametaphosphate anion". Inorganic Chemistry. 4 (4): 549–551. ; see p. 549..

  • [14]

    ^Van Wazer, J. R.; Kroupa, E. Karl (1956). "Existence of ring phosphates higher than tetrametaphosphate". Journal of the American Chemical Society. 78 (8): 1772..

  • [15]

    ^(Thilo & Schülke, 1963a), p. 1175..

  • [16]

    ^See: Thilo, E.; Schülke, U. (1963a). "Darstellung des echten Natrium-hexametaphosphates Na6[P6O18]" [Preparation of true sodium hexametaphosphate Na6[P6O18]]. Angewandte Chemie (in German). 75 (23): 1175–1176.CS1 maint: Unrecognized language (link) Thilo, E.; Schülke, U. (1963b). "Preparation of true sodium hexametaphosphate Na6[P6O18]". Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2 (12): 742..

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