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图1 几个黑点彼此混叠。实线是根据频率调整振幅的示例。虚线是混叠部分对应的轨迹。

以电子工程师哈利·奈奎斯特命名的奈奎斯特频率,定义为是离散信号处理系统采样速率的一半。[1][2] 它有时被称为采样系统的折叠频率。[3]  图1描述了折叠的一个例子,其中fs为采样率,0.5 fs 为对应的奈奎斯特频率。  图中0.6 fs处的黑点表示正弦函数的幅度和频率,其频率为采样率( fs)的60 %。 其他三个点表示其他三个正弦波的频率和幅度,它们将产生与实际采样正弦波相同的样本集。约0.5 fs左右的对称性被称为可折叠。

奈奎斯特频率不应与奈奎斯特速率混淆,后者指满足给定信号或信号族奈奎斯特采样准则的最小采样速率。奈奎斯特速率是被采样信号最大成分频率的两倍。例如,频率为0.6 fs 的正弦波,其奈奎斯特速率为1.2 fs,这意味着在采样率为fs 状态下,它被欠采样。因此,奈奎斯特速率是连续时间信号的属性,而奈奎斯特频率是离散时间系统的属性。[4][5]


1 混叠编辑

再次参考图1,在0.6 fs处对正弦信号进行欠采样可以得到低频混叠,这是产生相同样本集的不同函数。 这种情况通常被描述为混叠。 通常用于从样本中重建连续函数的数学算法会误解欠采样频率分量的贡献,从而导致失真。纯0.6 fs正弦信号的样本会产生0.4 fs正弦信号。如果真实频率是0.4 fs,在0.6、1.4、1.6等处仍然会有别名。 但是重构的频率将是正确的。



2 其他含义编辑

奈奎斯特频率一词的早期使用,如上面引用的文献所示,都与本文给出的定义一致。一些后来的出版物,包括一些经典的教科书,称信号带宽为奈奎斯特频率的两倍;[6][7] 这显然是少数用法,信号带宽两倍的频率通常称为奈奎斯特速率。

3 笔记编辑

  1. In this context, the factor of ½ has units of cycles per sample, as explained at Aliasing#Sampling sinusoidal functions.
  2. As previously mentioned, these are the frequencies of other sinusoids that would produce the same set of samples as the one that was actually sampled.


  • [1]

    ^Grenander, Ulf (1959). Probability and Statistics: The Harald Cramér Volume. Wiley. The Nyquist frequency is that frequency whose period is two sampling intervals..

  • [2]

    ^Harry L. Stiltz (1961). Aerospace Telemetry. Prentice-Hall. the existence of power in the continuous signal spectrum at frequencies higher than the Nyquist frequency is the cause of aliasing error.

  • [3]

    ^Thomas Zawistowski; Paras Shah. "An Introduction to Sampling Theory". Retrieved 17 April 2010. Frequencies "fold" around half the sampling frequency - which is why [the Nyquist] frequency is often referred to as the folding frequency..

  • [4]

    ^James J. Condon & Scott M. Ransom (2016). Essential Radio Astronomy. Princeton University Press. pp. 280–281. ISBN 9781400881161..

  • [5]

    ^John W. Leis (2011). Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and Researchers. John Wiley & Sons. p. 82. ISBN 9781118033807. The Nyquist rate is twice the bandwidth of the signal ... The Nyquist frequency or folding frequency is half the sampling rate and corresponds to the highest frequency which a sampled data system can reproduce without error..

  • [6]

    ^Jonathan M. Blackledge (2003). Digital Signal Processing: Mathematical and Computational Methods, Software Development and Applications. Horwood Publishing. ISBN 1-898563-48-9..

  • [7]

    ^Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz, Eduardo A. B. Da Silva, Sergio L. Netto (2002). Digital Signal Processing: System Analysis and Design. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-78175-2.CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list (link).

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