航空航天工程的起源可以追溯到19世纪末20世纪初的航空先驱,尽管乔治·凯莱爵士的工作可以追溯到18世纪最后十年到19世纪中期。凯莱是航空史上最重要的人物之一,[5]他是航空工程的先驱,[6] 被认为是第一个分离升力和阻力的人,该方法对任何飞行器都有效。[7]
航空工程的早期知识主要是经验性的,有些概念和技巧是从工程学的其他分支引进的。[8] 在18世纪,科学家们理解了航空航天工程的一些关键要素,如流体动力学。莱特兄弟成功飞行多年后, 20世纪10年代,可以在第一次世界大战军用飞机的设计过程中看到航空工程的发展。在第一次和第二次世界大战之间,航空工程取得了巨大的飞跃。主流民用航空的出现大大加快了这一进程。这个时代著名的飞机包括柯蒂斯JN 4、法尔曼F.60戈利亚和福克三驾马车。这一时期著名的军用飞机分别是来自日本、英国和德国的三菱A6M Zero、Supermarine Spitfire和Messerschmitt Bf 109。航空航天工程的一个重大发展伴随着第一架可操作的喷气发动机驱动飞机梅塞尔施米特Me 262,于1944年第二次世界大战末期投入使用。
航空航天工程的第一个定义出现在1958年2月。[2] 该定义将地球大气层和外层空间视为单一领域,因此在一个新造的词“航空航天”下既包括航空器(航空)也包括航天器(空间)。作为对苏联于1957年10月4日发射第一颗卫星人造卫星的回应,美国航天工程师于1958年1月31日发射了第一颗美国卫星。作为冷战的回应,美国于1958年成立国家航空航天局。1969年,阿波罗11号首次载人登月。它见证三名宇航员进入环绕月球的轨道,其中两名宇航员,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和巴兹·奥德林,登陆月球表面。第三名宇航员迈克尔·柯林斯留在轨道上在阿姆斯特朗和奥尔德林登陆月球表面后与他们会合。 [9]
^Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. ISBN 978-0-470-75440-5..
^Stanzione, Kaydon Al (1989). "Engineering". Encyclopædia Britannica. 18 (15 ed.). Chicago. pp. 563–563..
^NASA (2008). Steven J. Dick, ed. Remembering the Space Age: Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Conference (PDF). p. 92. The term “rocket scientist” is a misnomer used by the media and in popular culture and applied to a majority of engineers and technicians who worked on the development of rockets with von Braun. It reflects a cultural evaluation of the immense accomplishments of the team but is nevertheless incorrect. ....
^"Career: Aerospace Engineer". Career Profiles. The Princeton Review. Archived from the original on 2006-05-09. Retrieved 2006-10-08. Due to the complexity of the final product, an intricate and rigid organizational structure for production has to be maintained, severely curtailing any single engineer's ability to understand his role as it relates to the final project..
^"Sir George Cayley". ?. Retrieved 2009-07-26. Sir George Cayley is one of the most important people in the history of aeronautics. Many consider him the first true scientific aerial investigator and the first person to understand the underlying principles and forces of flight..
^"Sir George Cayley (British Inventor and Scientist)". Britannica. n.d. Retrieved 2009-07-26. English pioneer of aerial navigation and aeronautical engineering and designer of the first successful glider to carry a human being aloft..
^"Sir George Cayley". U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission. Retrieved 31 January 2016. A wealthy landowner, Cayley is considered the father of aerial navigation and a pioneer in the science of aerodynamics. He established the scientific principles for heavier-than-air flight and used glider models for his research. He was the first to identify the four forces of flight--thrust, lift, drag, and weight—and to describe the relationship each had with the other..
^Kermit Van Every (1988). "Aeronautical engineering". Encyclopedia Americana. 1. Grolier Incorporated..
^"A Brief History of NASA". NASA. Retrieved 2012-03-20..
^"Science: Engineering: Aerospace". Open Site. Retrieved 2006-10-08..
^Gruntman, Mike (September 19, 2007). "The Time for Academic Departments in Astronautical Engineering". AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference & Exposition Agenda. AIAA SPACE 2007 Conference & Exposition. AIAA. Archived from the original on October 18, 2007..
^"Aircraft Structures in Aerospace Engineering". Aerospace Engineering, Aviation News, Salary, Jobs and Museums. Archived from the original on 2015-11-09. Retrieved 2015-11-06..
^"Entry education, Aerospace Engineers". myfuture.com. Retrieved 2015-06-22..
^Bailey, Charlotte (7 November 2008). "Oxford compiles list of top ten irritating phrases". The Daily Telegraph. Retrieved 2008-11-18. 10 - It's not rocket science.
^Petroski, Henry (23 November 2010). "Engineering Is Not Science". IEEE Spectrum. Retrieved 21 June 2015. Science is about understanding the origins, nature, and behavior of the universe and all it contains; engineering is about solving problems by rearranging the stuff of the world to make new things..
^Neufeld, Michael. Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War (First ed.). Vintage Books. pp. xv. There has been a deep-rooted failure in the English-speaking media and popular culture to grapple with the distinction between science and engineering..